Take a Sweet Ride on the Wharf Jitney

Wharf jitneyThe Wharf Jitney is scheduled to return to service on Thursday, July 1. The jitney is free and open to the public, providing rides from Recreation Pier to East Potomac Park and Hains Point.

The ride across the Washington Channel on the 22 foot covered vessel takes about five minutes and can accommodate up to 6 passengers.  The jitney, which is electric, is an excellent option for residents and visitors who want to spend the day at Hains Point, where there is a public golf course, driving range, and historic miniature golf course.  There are also indoor and outdoor tennis courts, a picnic area, and several athletic fields. It is also a popular destination for fishermen, cyclists, walkers, inline skaters, and runners. 

The jitney is also a sneaky-great option for visitor parking. East Potomac Park has several parking spaces within walking distance to the jitney dock area, where they can board the jitney and get a free ride to the Wharf for a day trip.  The jitney does not operate at night, so parkers should plan accordingly.  

After July 1, the Wharf Jitney will operate in fair weather Monday through Thursday from 12 noon until 30 minutes before sunset and Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: 9:00 am until 30 minutes before sunset.


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