Port of Washington Yacht Club – Wharf DC
For those of us that live at the Wharf DC, we have a couple of choices when it comes to joining a yacht club, in fact, these options are available to anyone who lives on land as well. The two primary options are Capital Yacht Club (CYC) and the Port of Washington Yacht Club (POWYC). We will have a feature on CYC in the near future, but today’s focus is on POWYC.
Before I go on, allow me to address potential presumptions about our yacht clubs. First, and foremost, they are essentially social clubs for people who like being near the water and, if possible, on boats. What’s not to like?
One distinguishing factor about POWYC is that it is a “virtual” club because it does not own a clubhouse or marina. Being a virtual club keeps member fees down and provides flexibility to host events at area marinas. POWYC also welcomes members from land as well as from several DC area marinas that don’t have a yacht club or just want to join the fun at POWYC.
Of any yacht club, just about anywhere, it is hard to find one more relaxed (and affordable) than POWYC. This is a club that knows how to have fun and works hard to prove it. The motto of the club is “Fun, Sexy, and Nautical”. POWYC members stay true to the club motto as there is a lot of fun to be had at the organized events. Some of the events are held on the docks of Gangplank Marina and other local marinas, and some events are held on boats, dinghies, and kayaks while cruising the the Potomac or Anacostia rivers.
POWYC is famous for its parties and boating events. There are a number of key dates and activities coming up through the rest of the year, which include:
- Aug. 17 – 18, – National Harbor Destination Cruise – an overnight cruise to National Harbor
- Aug. 29, – Dinks and Drinks Happy Hour, POWYC’s normal Thursday happy hour enjoyed on dinghies on the Washington Channel.
- Sept. 12, – Kayak the Washington Channel with Potomac Riverkeepers.
- Sept. 14 – 15 – Weekend raft up and overnight several miles down the Potomac near Mattawoman
- October 6 – Anacostia River dinghy cruise – Dinghies cruise up the Anacostia River for a picnic at National Arboretum or Bladensburg Waterfront Park.
- October 19 – Raft up at “Three Sisters” location on the Potomac, just above Key Bridge
- Nov. 5 – Smarter Boating for Climate Change – A climate panel at Velo Cafe discusses current and future efforts to combat climate change.
As much fun as the club has, it also takes seriously its mission to work for a clean, attractive and environmentally healthy marina, waterfront and river system. It also provides a number of boater safety classes and seminars.
You won’t have to be a member long to experience, the fun, the sexy and the nautical side of being part of Port of Washington Yacht Club! Here are the available memberships:
- Community membership Community members are non voting members, but may participate in all POWYC events. Community membership includes Secondary membership for spouse/partner and children up to 18. $125.00/year.
- Regular membership is open to anyone who is a slipholder at any DC area marina. Regular members are voting members and can vote by proxy. Regular membership includes Secondary membership for spouses/partner and children up to 18. $125/year
- Cruising Membership is open to boat owners outside the DC area. Cruising members are non voting members, but may participate in POWYC events. Cruising membership includes Secondary membership for spouses/partners and children up to 18. $125/year.

Sunset on the Potomac
Please contact POWYC to join or with questions at: WWW.POWYC.Org
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