About Us
About Wharf Life DC
We are the people who live, work, and play at The Wharf. Most of us live on boats at the Wharf and have lived here long before there was a District Wharf. We know the bartenders, servers, shop keepers, security guards, bouncers, and parking guys. Our editors taste every drink and have had every meal at every restaurant at The Wharf. In short, no one knows the Wharf and how to enjoy it better than we do!
We love where we live and are supporters of the businesses and the people who are making The Wharf the fun and adventurous place it’s becoming.
Ramsey Poston – Founder/Managing Editor
As a native of the District of Columbia, Ramsey has seen the positive transformation of the nation’s capital since riots devastated the city in 1968. As a kid he went to SW often: he accompanied his father on trips to the Municipal Fish Market; his family often gathered at Hogates Restaurant, succumbing to the rum buns; he even had a miserably bad audition at Arena Stage when he was 9. Rugby brought Ramsey back to SW when he was older, where he attended practices at King Greenleaf Recreation Center. Today, he calls The Wharf Gangplank Marina home, and thoroughly enjoys life aboard a 45 foot trawler called Sojourner.
In his real life, he is a strategic communications expert helping clients with crisis communications challenges.
For Wharf Life DC, Ramsey is responsible for the overall direction of the site, and posts about restaurants and bars, and updates the live music and free events calendars.
Aubrey Whittier – Editor
Aubrey lives and works aboard her 43 foot Gulfstar ketch sailboat at Gangplank Marina. She directs a travel lacrosse club and raises her toddler with her husband and the incredible village of Gangplank and The Wharf. For Wharf Life DC, she writes about raising a child on a boat and at The Wharf, and she reviews the health and fitness merchants in the neighborhood while patroning all restaurants and shops. In addition to copy, she provides website support, newsletter editing and she creates graphics. She does not have any spare time, but if she did, she would do everything she is doing now. Her life would be impossible without the support and friendship of her many neighbors, some who watch her daughter so she can go play pool. You may find her wearing flip flops for the majority of the year, but most likely, she is easily identified by her daughter running around the promenade on Wharf Street. Follow her on instagram @laxcoachaubrey
Jean Link – Editor
Jean wants to live in a world filled with creative people, clothing that lasts forever, and a force field around her iphone that repels dogs and divers. She has advocated for her floating home community here in Washington, DC for the past three years. You can find her most days whipping up a knitted shawl, walking the Tidal Basin, or answering the question “why” for her community for the eleventy-bajillionth time. When she’s not knitting or advocating, she is writing with WharfLifeDC to help small businesses grow and succeed locally. As a teacher with more than 30 years of experience, she’s homeschooled, worked for the private school system, the public school system, the remedial school system, and taught running, pilates, yoga, and strength training. Raising 3 successful humans to adulthood, and marrying one human that entertains her daily were the best life-choices she ever made. Follow her on Instagram @jlinkindc
Jenna O’Brien – Editor
Jenna ….tree hugger, puppy lover, porsche driver, baby-kisser, vodka drinker,
man meat eater:), city dweller, cancer kicker….affinity for dive bars, fast cars, live music, mixed media… damn glad to meet ya!